Yorkshire Valley Farms
Organic Turkey and Chicken

Yorkshire Valley farms was originally founded in 2010 by 2 Peterborough families. In 2011, they expanded to organic turkeys and in 2013 more products were added, such as Organic Breaded Chicken Fillets. Fast forward to today, Yorkshire Valley Farms now supports 14,000 acres of organic farmland in Ontario, with over 20 chicken farms and 5 turkey farms, all dedicated to Certified Organic and high standards in animal welfare.
The founders have left a legacy that supports local communities and regenerative organic agricultural practices that promote natural ecosystems.
Today, Yorkshire Valley Farms continues to build community and sustainability through the “Eco Scholar Award”, an annual scholarship program presented with the Guelph Ontario Conference. This annual scholarship awards 4 students with financial support in any area of study, providing they demonstrate a passion for organic agriculture practices. To apply, students are asked to submit a video of up to two minutes in length in which they express the role they hope to play in the organic regenerative movement. Questions about the scholarship can be sent to ecoscholar[at]yorkshirevalley.com.
On the sustainability front, Yorkshire Valley Farms’ business model encourages a circular economy that begins at the farm level, with farmers who create their own compost, grow organic feed crops that are used in the organic feed for Yorkshire Valley Farms, and foster an enriched, low-stress farm environment for their turkeys and chickens. This business model strives to ensure equity and stability for all stakeholders in the supply chain.
About the chickens and turkeys

Canada’s organic standards are recognized globally as some of the highest standards in the world. For example, Canadian organic farmers are not allowed to use synthetic fertilizers at all, and farms must provide a minimum square feet stocking density per animal based on the species.
The organic regulations promote best practices when it comes to humane standards for poultry and environmentally responsible feed sources. Growing organic feed crops means that the land itself has been certified, and that the seeds for each crop are non-GMO. This also means that growing, harvesting, storing and shipping is free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.
All Yorkshire Valley Farms organic chickens and turkeys are raised free range in open barns and with access to outdoors, weather permitting.
To learn more on the Canadian standards for Organic Poultry farming visit https://www.cog.ca/the-canadian-organic-standards/