When it comes to eating, health-conscious people are shopping for fresher, more “natural”, organic products. Unfortunately, we need to take a closer look; not only at labels, but also the companies that produce the food we eat. More and more, food manufacturers are developing food sources that are less about what the earth has given us, and more about science. Among the things to watch out for are genetically modified organisms or GMOs.

According to the NonGMOproject, GMOs are living organisms whose genetic material has been artificially manipulated in a laboratory through genetic engineering. Genetic modification is the process of forcing genes from one species into another entirely unrelated species. This type of so-called Frankenfood can be made from animals or plants. Most people may even be unaware that the food they are eating could be modified. This is not to be confused with hybridization, which is a natural cross-pollination of plants. Generations of farmers have done this with crop seeds to find a natural way to grow varieties that best performed in their microclimate of soil, weather and insect environments.
Hybrids also occur naturally – think of a pluot or an aprium [Plum and Apricot hybrid]. GMOs, however, would never come together naturally. This would be like a scientist taking fish DNA and infusing it into corn.
While some scientists argue that GMO’s are safe, no long-term research has been conducted on possible negative side effects from consuming GMOs.
Unfortunately, the well-being of the public is sometimes compromised for profit. Agricultural growers of GMO produce hope to create products that are more resistant to insects and the pesticides used to kill them. One example is GMO sweet corn, the only GMO vegetable grown in Canada. This corn is both insect-resistant and herbicide tolerant. There is also GMO field corn, which is farmers grow in abundance in Canada. They use this corn for food ingredients, to feed animals, and to create biofuels. Fortunately, there has been loud consumer uproar in Canada about these products. And while many farmers try to eradicate the GMO corn, even the seeds they are using are often mislabeled.
At McLean Meats we have a mission to produce clean food products that nourish the body while supporting natural, humane and sustainable farming. The farms we partner with share our passion. We are working with our farms to transition to certified organic or certified non-GMO feed for animals. Our vision is to have all McLean products be certified organic. All certified organic products are non-GMO.
Each recipe we use has a custom spice blend that adheres to strict food safety and allergen controls. We only purchase spice blends from companies that demonstrate accredited and certified Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Food Security and Allergen Controls. Spice suppliers must also demonstrate that they don’t use irradiated spices or ingredients from GMOs. For example, most sugar comes from GMO sugar beets. We only use cane sugar or sweeten with natural options like honey or maple syrup. Our ultimate goal is to only use spices that are certified organic.
McLean Meats is committed to delivering a cleaner eating experience to you and your family. Click here, if you’d like to take a closer look at our ingredients.