Gene editing, also known as genome editing, is a process that uses genetic engineering techniques to modify the DNA of an organism. It involves manipulating genes by altering the sequence and structure of their nucleotides or inserting new pieces of DNA into existing gene strands.

Gene editing has been used in research since the mid-1990s and has recently gained attention for its potential to revolutionize the way we produce food and medicine.
However, while gene editing has been seen as a revolutionary tool that could have major benefits in areas like agricultural productivity, food security, and disease prevention, it also carries certain risks to organic production systems in Canada. Genome editing can inadvertently cause extensive deletions and complex re-arrangements of DNA.
Organic production systems are strictly managed, following stringent standards and regulations set out by the Canadian Organic Standards (COS) which prohibit the use of genetically modified organisms and their derivatives.
Gene editing may result in organic products becoming contaminated with GMOs. Organic producers risk losing customers if their organic products are contaminated with GMOs as a result of gene editing.
Additionally, gene editing has potential environmental impacts as it can alter ecosystems by introducing new genetic material into existing populations. These changes could have unintended consequences on the environment and biodiversity.
In order to protect organic production systems in Canada, it is essential that proper safeguards be developed and implemented. These could include steps such as mandatory product testing, improved containment systems and segregation of organic and non-organic production areas.
The Canadian organic sector is highly regulated; however, gene-editing techniques are advancing quickly and regulation has yet to catch up with the technology. This means that there is currently a lack of clarity regarding what constitutes a GMO and how on-farm practices should be adapted to avoid contaminating organic production systems.
It is equally important that the role of the COS be strengthened to adequately monitor and enforce compliance with its standards.
There is also a risk of the evolution and creation of “Super pests”, which could be resistant to traditional methods of pest control. This could have serious implications for organic producers who rely on natural controls instead of chemical pesticides.
Gene editing could lead to increased pesticide use, which could have both environmental and health impacts. The widespread adoption of GMO crops in the U.S. has resulted in a massive increase in the application of glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as the primary method of weed control.
It is essential to ensure that all Canadian organic producers can continue to produce safe and quality products for their consumers with confidence.
Consumers can voice their support for the organic sector, as well as sign petitions or write letters to their elected representatives expressing their concerns about gene editing technology.
Gene editing techniques can cause unexpected genetic mutations, which may have unintended consequences for human health, as well as for the animals and plants involved in production.
Overall, it is important to consider all of the potential risks associated with gene editing before fully embracing it.
Careful research and regulation, as well as public education initiatives need to be undertaken in order to ensure that Canada’s organic sector remains protected while still taking advantage of the potential benefits that gene editing can offer.