What does that ORGANIC stamp mean?
To be organic and use the organic stamp on a label of a food product, a company must be certified by a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Choosing organic has been shown to significantly reduce your exposure to chemical residues.
If you are a meat-eater, then organic meat is healthier for you and more humane for the animals. Animals are raised cage free, have access to fresh air, sun and to the outdoors which is essential for the health of the animal. Animals from factory farms are not only living in poor conditions but are also more prone to diseases spread from feed pumped with antibiotics.
Organic farming restricts the use of antibiotics in animal feed which has been blamed for the rise in antibiotic resistant “superbugs”. The animal is also fed a certified organic diet.
Canada’s organic standards are among the most recognized in the world. They place strict limits on the use of toxic pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, the routine use of drugs, antibiotics, and synthetic hormones. Organic standards also forbid the use of artificial food colours, flavours, sweeteners, preservatives and many other processing aids and ingredients in processed foods.
However, when it comes to ingredients in organic products it is always good practice to read the list of ingredients of a packaged or processed food. Since ingredients are constantly evolving, every now and then a new ingredient will be permitted that may be unhealthy. A good example of an ingredient that is currently allowed in Organic bacon and ham is cultured celery extract. This curing agent was created to replace sodium nitrite in processed meats. It has been approved because it is “naturally derived”, but the finished product is biochemically identical to sodium nitrite.
Regardless, being certified organic is the most heavily regulated and scrutinized food system in Canada, helping you choose healthier foods while also helping our environment.
Why is buying Organic better for the environment?
Organic farmers are required to manage the land and life around water systems very carefully and are inspected annually. Organic farming is healthier on our water reserves because the use of synthetic fertilizers and persistent toxic chemicals is not permitted. Organic farmers build healthy soil which is the foundation of a healthy food chain. Healthy soil microbiology helps prevent erosion providing fertile land for future generations. Organic agriculture aims to work in harmony with nature, building healthy ecosystems which have higher biodiversity on them and around them promoting sustainability and ecological balance.
Organic producers strive to preserve genetic diversity by collecting and preserving seeds and growing heirloom varieties and by raising rare breeds of livestock. In addition, organic standards forbid the use of GMOs in seeds, in animal feed, and in the ingredients of processed organic food and products.
Is Organic farming better for Climate Change?
Organic farming methods offer the best current model for promoting climate-friendly food production. This is because it is less dependent on fossil-fuel-based fertilizers and pesticides and builds resilience in the face of climatic extremes. Organic farming stores higher levels of carbon in the soil, promotes wildlife diversity, reduces pest outbreaks, protects soil from erosion, helps prevent contamination of water, and uses far less energy than conventional farming methods. Organic farming can use as little as half the energy of conventional farming methods and help to sequester carbon out of the atmosphere.
What is the difference between “Organic” and “Natural”?
In Canada, organic is regulated by the government and must follow national standards, while “natural” is a marketing term used by companies based on their own definition of what “natural” is. That means anyone can use the word “natural” on their products, and consumers must trust them. Being certified organic is inspected and overseen by the government. A company needs to prove to a certifying body that they follow specific rules and regulations put in place by the CFIA. Simply put, choosing organic is a more trustworthy claim than buying a processed food product described as “natural”.
Organic is about more than simply not using chemicals and reducing our exposure to pesticides and GMO’s. It’s about rotating crops and building healthy soil for the future, it’s about treating animals well and reducing our carbon footprint, and it’s about holding companies accountable to higher standards of food production from farm to table.
MCLEAN is proud to offer a wide selection of organic deli meats that are truly preservative free.
Why Organic?

Here are our top 7 reasons why we believe that ORGANIC is BETTER.

Organic feed crop farming is 30% more energy efficient than conventional, due primarily by avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Conventional farming erodes topsoil health from tillage, herbicides and pesticides. Organic farming uses less invasive & more sustainable measures for soil health.

Organic farming decreases nitrogen pollution by recycling three times more reactive nitrogen than conventional. Organic feed crops do not use synthetic fertilizer.

Organic farming reduces local and regional groundwater pollution by not applying agricultural chemicals that can leech into the local aquifer.

Conventional farming overuses antibiotics adding to the problem of rendering invaluable drugs unusable. No antibiotics are allowed in Organic farming.

Organic farming requires more square feet per animal in barns, access to fresh air and natural sunlight, plus the ability to free range outside.

Transportation time must be as short as possible, which means the closest slaughterhouse must be used. Less stress on animals and less fossil fuels used.